Tuple in python is an 1D array that cannot change its content after declariation. The tuple can store differently type of elements. It is defined with parentheses.
In [27]:
(1, 'HKU', 3.0)
The elements are called using a square bracket with an index starting from zero.
In [54]:
x = (1, 'HKU', 3.0)
print x[0],x[1],x[2]
You can slice the array using colon, in this case a[start:end] means items start up to end-1
In [29]:
print x[1:2]
A single colon a[:] means a copy of the whole array.
In [30]:
print x[:]
a[start:] return tuple of items start through the rest of the array.
a[:end] return tuple of items from the beginning through end-1.
In [31]:
print x[:2], x[1:]
more interestingly, they have negative index
a[-1] means last item in the array
a[-2:] means last two items in the array
a[:-2] means everything except the last two items
In [32]:
print x[-1], x[-2], x[-2:] , x[:-2]
You may add up the tuple to concatenate
In [33]:
print x + ('Hi', 'HKU', 1e-8)
You may duplicate the items with multiply
In [34]:
print x*2;
List is very similar to tuple, but list can add or assign items. List is defined by square bracket while tuple is defined by normal bracket. Lets see an example:
This is a tuple with two elements, each element is a list
In [35]:
t = ([1, 2], [3, 4])
print t
If we change an item directly in the tuple:
In [37]:
t[0] = [10, 20]
If we change to the list element inside the tuple:
In [38]:
t[0][0] = 10; t[0][1] = 20; print t
We use square bracket to define a list and each element is separated by comma like a tuple
In [39]:
l = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
print l
list can add element to it:
In [40]:
l.append(9); print l
Of course, slicing also works here
In [41]:
print l[start:end] # items start through end-1
print l[start:] # items start through the rest of the array
print l[:end] # items from the beginning through end-1
print l[:] # a copy of the whole array
print l[-1] # last item in the array
print l[-2:] # last two items in the array
print l[:-2] # everything except the last two items
print l[start:end:step] # start through not past end, by step
Dictionary is more flexible than list and its index is a string, it is defined with curly bracket
In [42]:
passwords = {'Einstein' : 18790314, 'Newton' : 16421225}
Call the item with its index string
In [43]:
print passwords['Einstein'], passwords['Newton']
Update an item to dictionary:
In [44]:
passwords.update({'Planck' : 18580423}); print passwords
Delete an item from dictionary:
In [45]:
passwords.pop('Einstein'); print passwords
for loop is for xxx in yyyy with a colon. Indentate after this line. yyyy shall be an iteratable, i.e. tuple or list or sth that can be iterate.
In [46]:
x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
for item in x:
print item
In [47]:
s = ['a','c','b','d','e','g','h',8]
for item in s:
print item
Range function in python is good in for loop:
In [48]:
for item in range(1,20):
print item
If three input is provided, the last input is the increment:
In [49]:
for item in range(1,20,2):
print item
This is a simple for loop that sum up all squared integer from 1 to 100
In [50]:
for i in range(1,100):
print s
While loop read a true/false statement and carry out if the criteria not met.
In [51]:
s=0; i=1
while i<100:
print s
In [1]:
m = 20
n = 79
while n != 0:
r = m % n
m = n
n = r
print m
In [ ]: